Titulo pagina
- Alsa Innovation (R+D+I)
- Press room
- Our history
- Our activities
- The Environment
- Environmental, energy and efficient driving management policy
- Safety
- People
- Sustainability policy
- Sustainability Report
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Retos de Colaboración - Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
- Health and safety policy
- Ethics and Compliance
- Estados de información no financiera
- Certifications
- Stories on wheels
AENOR Certificate in Claims and Complaints Management Systems
Users have a variety of channels to notify the company of any complaint or claim, they will be informed at all times of the status of the same.
AENOR UNE-CEN/TS 16880 certificate. Excellence in service. Creating exceptional customer experiences through service excellence
Alsa has certified its urban and metropolitan transport services in Bilbao, Ferrol, and Leste Da Comarca da Coruña with this Standard, in its regional transport services in the Valencian Community between Valencia and Alicante (CV-302) and between Alicante and Las Marinas (CV-202), and the metropolitan transport service between Zaragoza and its airport.
AENOR Certificate in Information Security ISO-27001
Alsa has an Information Security Management System certified by AENOR in accordance with the UNE-ISO/IEC 27001:2014 Standard.
Said management system protects the information and the processes that handle it during the activities carried out by the organizational units of Alsa Grupo.
This certification shows Alsa's commitment to protecting the information of our customers and employees, and to its high availability in order to continue providing a service of the highest quality.
AENOR Certificate in Universal Accesibility
Alsa has the AENOR Certification according to the UNE170001 Standard for Universal Accessibility Management Systems for the following regular transport services:
- Santander-Bilbao-Barcelona, with intermediate routes
- Santiago de Compostela-Gijón-Irún-Barcelona
- Madrid-León-Gijón
- Logroño-Soria-Madrid, with intermediate routes
- Madrid-Toledo, with intermediate routes
- Murcia-Seville, via Granada, with intermediate routes
- Burgos-Logroño, with intermediate routes
- Madrid-Granada-Almuñécar
- Madrid-Irún, with intermediate routes
- Madrid-Guadalajara
- Irún-Tuy
- Ferrol-Algeciras
- Lleida-Molina de Aragón, via Zaragoza
- Madrid-Alicante, with intermediate routes
- Salamanca-León-Santander-Laredo
- Seville-Salamanca-Irún
- Madrid-Zaragoza-Barcelona
- Murcia-Valencia
- Alicante-Murcia, with intermediate routes
- Seville and Malaga to Montgat and Manresa, with intermediate routes
- Murcia and Almería
- Viella-Lleida, with intermediate routes
Community of Madrid
Basque Country
Valencian Community
Urban Transport
Canary Islands
Castile and Leon
Castile la Mancha
Community of Madrid
Basque Country
Community of Valencia
Tourist Transport
Con motivo de la celebración de las fiestas de Campo Real, los días 13, 14, 20 y 21 de septiembre la línea 313 verá reforzados sus horarios con dos búhos.
Madrugada sábados 14 y 21:
5.15h Campo Real-Arganda del Rey
6:00h Campo Real-Arganda del Rey
Madrugada domingos 15 y 22:
5.15h Arganda del Rey-Campo Real
6:00h Arganda del Rey-Campo Real
The adoption of this Regulation and it´s certification shows Alsa’s social commitment with equal rights and oportunities for all people, regardless their of their habilitéis.
To make it easier for any user to acces transport services in these routes, Alsa has adapted the following spaces and services:
- The vehicles of it fleet assigned to the services of these routes.
- The information of the services provided by the company, by any its channel enabled for this.
- The parchase of the tickets, according to the avaiable channels, assgned by Alsa for each transport line.
- The provision of the transport service itself The customer service (claims, suggestions, complaints…)
AENOR Certificate of Passenger Public Transport Services
When certifying its services according to UNE-EN 13816 Standard for Public Passenger Transport, Alsa assumes a commitment to quality in the provision of its national and international passenger transport services in order to meet the expectations of its customers.
This commitment to quality is assumed in eight areas: time, comfort, information, accessibility, security, service offered, customer service and environmental impact.
CSEEA-INSIA Certificate in Road Safety

The University Institute of Automobile Researche (INSIA) is a Research Institute of the Polytechnic University of Madrid, attached to the Higher Technical School of Industrial Engineers and integrated into the Scientific and Technological Park of the UPM.
CSEAA is a Safety Certification System for Bus and Coach Companies based on a methodology developed and validated by INSIA, which has been developed with the collaboration of a large group of experts in Driver Training, Bus Engineering, Maintenance, Bus Operation and Security Systems Management. At present, it is a unique methodology in Spain and Europe.
This certification:
- It is a tool for the evaluation of security in companies.
- It offers Administrations and users a way to quantify the level of security, considering realistic, measurable parameters that are easy to interpret and use.
- Detects strengths and weaknesses in the road safety management system
AENOR Certificate in Emergency Management
Alsa has obtained a new quality certificate in its service: this time it is the AENOR Certificate in Emergency Management. This certificate rewards the importance of an effective response to the consequences of natural disasters, unintended or deliberate incidents or an accident in our case, and to improve the capacity to respond appropriately to the needs of affected.
This UNE-ISO 22320: 2013 certification collects the best global practices for establishing order and organizational control of structures and procedures, decision making, traceability and information management.
Alsa thus joins the organizations that have implemented an Emergency Management in their organization according to UNE-ISO 22320 and with it we have achieved:
- Develop and improve our capabilities in all types of emergency response of any dimension, whether from an incident, crisis, activity interruption, disaster or accident.
- Ensure the information is truthful and reliable, as data and information management processes are established.
- Minimize misunderstandings by establishing a basis for coordination and cooperation between the parties involved.
- More efficient management of shared resources.
AENOR Certificate in Service Charts
Alsa has the AENOR Certification according to the UNE 93200 Standard of Service Charts in the following routes:
- Madrid-Guadalajara
- Almería-Murcia
- Granada-Granada Airport
- Fraga-Lleida
Service Charts are one of the most used tools by organizations to communicate their services to their users and the commitments they assume accordingly.
The objective of the UNE 93200 Standard is to specify the minimum requirements of the content and the process of preparation, monitoring and review of the Service Charts. Compliance with this Standard ensures that Letters of Service do not become mere declarations of intent, forgetting their true meaning of assuming quality commitments that meet the expectations of users.
EFR (Corporate Social Responsibility): Principles, Values and Advantages
Having Corporate Social Responsibility officially recognises organizations that have a management model that supports a balance between business, work and family through the implementation of measures and policies.
From an employee perspective, the policy framework significantly values the possibility of having a certain flexibility and support, to achieve a greater balance between work and home responsibilities, even though sometimes there may be a conflict of interests.
The EFR award supports with the following benefits:
- It allows us to understand the current situation by speaking to those to whom it directly interests (the managers, the employees).
- It allows us to implement a model to regulate policies in order to balance work and home, equality of opportunities and diversity in the workplace.
- With the implementation of this model, we begin a process of continuous improvement that allows our organisation to advance in the development of new policies in this area.
AENOR Certificate in Quality Management Systems
Thanks to the implementation of a Quality Management System according to the UNE-EN ISO 9001 standard, Alsa demonstrates its ability to consistently provide services that meet the customer's requirements and the applicable regulations.
This certification allows Alsa, in addition:
- Do right by their customers and users who increasingly value certified suppliers
- Increase the possibility of expanding internationally
- Generate greater trust between suppliers and customers.
AENOR Certificate in Emergency Management
Alsa has obtained a new quality certificate in its service: this time it is the AENOR Certificate in Emergency Management. This certificate rewards the importance of an effective response to the consequences of natural disasters, unintended or deliberate incidents or an accident in our case, and to improve the capacity to respond appropriately to the needs of affected.
This UNE-ISO 22320: 2013 certification collects the best global practices for establishing order and organizational control of structures and procedures, decision making, traceability and information management.
Alsa thus joins the organizations that have implemented an Emergency Management in their organization according to UNE-ISO 22320 and with it we have achieved:
- Develop and improve our capabilities in all types of emergency response of any dimension, whether from an incident, crisis, activity interruption, disaster or accident.
- Ensure the information is truthful and reliable, as data and information management processes are established.
- Minimize misunderstandings by establishing a basis for coordination and cooperation between the parties involved.
- More efficient management of shared resources.
AENOR Certified Healthy Company
The model sets the requirements for a management system for organizations committed to existing international health business principles and recommendations that want to promote and continuously protect health, safety and the well-being of workers and the sustainability of the work environment.
The Healthy Business model allows:
- Improve the health, well-being and safety of employees in a sustainable way.
- Reduce accidents and illnesses on an ongoing basis.
- Systematize the key aspects of healthy work environments (physical and psychosocial environment, health resources and community involvement in the community).
- Facilitates legal compliance.
- Improve the company image.
- Facilitates compliance with customer requirements.
- Enhances the company's competitive edge.
- Enables integration with other systems.
- Enhance employee motivation.
Environmental Statement
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