Granada-Jaen Airport
We provide a large range of services and timetables, which you can consult using the browser when purchasing your ticket.
Granada City Centre link service
Tickets can be purchased via our website, on the app, by phone on 902 42 22 42, at our sales points or directly on the bus
The duration of the journey is approximately 60 minutes.
Buses depart from Granada City Centre, at the Palacio de Congresos, and take the following route:
Palacio de Congresos > Puerta Real (Corte Inglés) > Gran Vía (Cathedral) > Gran Vía (“El Americano” building) > Triunfo (Cóndor Hotel) > Plaza San Isidro > Bus Station > Plaza Europa > Bellas Artes > Santa Fe > Airport
Buses for Granada City Centre will depart from the airport approximately 30 minutes after the arrival of each flight.
This timetable may be modified according to the frequency and arrival times of flights.
More information
You may consult the full timetable of departures, arrival times and frequency of service here (Spanish).
Our commitment to customers
ALSA GRANADA AIRPORT S.L. provides a Services Charter (PDF 5 Mb. Spanish) which details our full commitment to all of our customers and the quality of service we aim to supply.
Results (in Spanish) of the follow up of our customer service commitment as defined within this Charter.
Useful information
You can change your return ticket, without surcharge, 12 hours after the departure time of the service shown on the ticket.