Alsa Plus

What is Alsa Plus?

It is our loyalty program with which you can accumulate points with each purchase, exchange them for discounts on tickets, and make the most of your trips. Alsa Plus customers enjoy advantages such as free management fees, changes and cancellations up to 2 hours before the departure of your trip, and exclusive offers.

Do not hesitate! Register for a minute for free, log in before starting your purchase and start enjoying everything Alsa has to offer.

And you, are you already Alsa Plus?

The best for you

Gastos de gestión gratis Free management fees

From your first purchase from discharge.

Cambios y anulaciones de billetes gratis Free changes and cancellations

Up to 2 hours before the departure of the bus
(only for domestic routes, excluding international ones).

Valid for tickets purchased with session started.

Void ticket points will not be scored.

Hasta un 30 por ciento de descuento en billetes  Up to 30% off in tickets

For young people from 12 to 25 years old and over 60 .

Ofertas y promociones exclusivas  Exclusive offers and promotions

Preferential conditions, personalized discounts ...

Regalos por cumpleaños y aniversario con nosotros  Birthday and anniversary gifts with us

So you can enjoy them wherever you want.

Wifi alta velocidad en el bus  High speed wifi on the bus

Enjoy the trip, without disconnecting for a second.

SMS gratuito con tu localizador  Free SMS with your locator

All the information about your journey on your mobile phone.

  Free onboard exclusive content

Enjoy the best movies, series, and entertainment
while you travel.

How do I get points?

Get points

With each ticket purchase you will accumulate up to 4% of your spending in Alsa Plus points.

For every euro spent you will get:

1 point on tickets between €1.00 and €9.99

4 points on tickets of € 10 or more

Are you missing any points?

Points will be scored 24 hours after the trip.

Do you miss any point? Didn't you log in before buying?

Claim your points here

How do I use my points?

Redeem points

You can redeem your points on the web, App, phone and points of sale. Remember to identify yourself before starting your purchase.


100 points = € 1 to redeem

Discount for points

Depending on the points accumulated, you can redeem the corresponding amount directly on the price of your ticket.


  • If you do not have enough points, there will be no redemption option when purchasing.
  • You can cancel tickets issued with points (according to fare conditions).
  • Redeem them for one-way or round-trip tickets for you, your family and friends.

And there are still more


Identify yourself as an Alsa Plus customer and get a 10% discount in our service areas (except for books, newspapers and magazines).