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Buy your pass and get special discounts!

Log in
Vouchers and cards Expiration Price per journey Total price
Pass {{voucher.serviceNameType}}
Expiration {{voucher.dateTo}}
{{voucher.digitalVoucherName}} {{voucher.voucherName}}

Unlimited trips from {{voucher.dateFrom}} to {{voucher.dateTo}}


Unlimited trips from {{voucher.dateFrom}} to {{voucher.dateTo}}

Validate your pass as you board the bus.

per journey
Validate your pass as you board the bus.
No pass

There are no passes available with the entered information.

InformationYou already have a pass for this journey and period.

Passenger: {{params["userSurname"] + ", " + params["userName"] + " - " + params["userDocument"]}}

You can purchase another pass for this journey for a child or another adult. Purchase another pass

Choose a secure password: at least 8 characters including at least one upper case letter, one lower case letter and a number.