Titulo pagina
- Alsa Innovation (R+D+I)
- Press room
- Our history
- Our activities
- The Environment
- Environmental, energy and efficient driving management policy
- Safety
- People
- Sustainability policy
- Sustainability Report
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Retos de Colaboración - Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
- Health and safety policy
- Ethics and Compliance
- Estados de información no financiera
- Certifications
- Stories on wheels
Compliance culture at Alsa
At Alsa, we’ve implemented an organisational culture based on regulatory compliance in every department, ensuring that the controls linked to the different departments are effective and reinforcing our Criminal Compliance Management System.
Our Criminal Compliance Management System focuses on the following areas:
- Identification of activities constituting a criminal risk.
- Establishment of protocols and procedures needed to define and implement processes to mitigate the occurrence of crime.
- Verification and evaluation of the Compliance Model.
- Obligation to report any issue, complaint or non-compliance via the Alsa Integrity Channel.
- Raising awareness of the need to comply with applicable legislation and internal rules and procedures.
The main policies that make up our Compliance Model are as follows:
It sets out the principles, values and conduct governing the organisation that must be complied with by all its members.
It describes the objectives and principles underpinning Alsa’s Criminal Compliance Management System and the roles and responsibilities involved.
At Alsa, we believe in our values (Excellence, Safety, People, Community, Environment and Customers), which require us to strictly comply with regulations, especially since our mission is to lead the modal shift towards collective public transport.
We have been constantly evolving and improving for over one hundred years, and so we believe that our commitment to ethics and transparency has been part of this ongoing development.
For all these reasons, in compliance with Law 2/2023 on Whistleblower Protection, we have opened a safe channel through which our employees and stakeholders can ask questions, make queries and report any irregular or illegal behaviour that is contrary to current legislation or the Alsa Code of Ethics published on this website.
We have three channels for communicating with Alsa regarding these matters (all channels allow for anonymous communications).
This channel allows for both anonymous and personal communications, offering maximum safeguards in terms of confidentiality, privacy and security. Only certain people at Alsa have access to the communications, which allows them to be treated as strictly confidential.
The Integrity Channel may be used by anyone who has a professional or commercial relationship with Alsa to report any type of non-compliance they have become aware of easily, quickly and securely, as long as it involves wrongdoings, unethical behaviour, or acts that are contrary to current legislation or our Code of Ethics.
Aspects relating to the management of queries or complaints of a commercial nature must not be communicated via this channel. Alsa has other customer helpline channels available for such matters.
On the other hand, for matters relating to data protection, an email should be sent to dpo@alsa.es. Consult all the information.
Once it is verified that the report has been submitted in good faith, an analysis of the information provided will begin and the report will be investigated or filed, as appropriate.
The analysis will be carried out by the System Manager together with the Compliance Committee, who have the necessary autonomy and independence to ensure that the investigation of the facts is carried out with all the safeguards of objectivity and impartiality in place.
The tool will also provide the person submitting the report with a username and password so that they can monitor the status of the case.
There is zero tolerance for reprisals, as established in our Code of Ethics, which expressly prohibits acts of reprisal against complainants. Therefore, at Alsa we ensure that no whistleblower acting in good faith will suffer reprisals.
If you have any questions about this channel, you can consult the Internal Information System Policy.
AENOR Certified Criminal Compliance System (UNE19601)
Alsa has a Compliance Management System that is certified by AENOR in accordance with the UNE 19601:2017 standard.
This regulatory compliance system, that is fully implemented and in force, is mainly concerned with mitigating and reducing as far as possible the likelihood of anyone in the company committing an offence.
This certification sets us apart as an example of good ethical practices and effective implementation of a crime prevention programme within the company.