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Buy your pass and get special discounts!

Log in
Vouchers and cards Expiration Price per journey Total price
Pass {{voucher.serviceNameType}}
Expiration {{voucher.dateTo}}
{{voucher.digitalVoucherName}} {{voucher.voucherName}}

Unlimited trips from {{voucher.dateFrom}} to {{voucher.dateTo}}


Unlimited trips from {{voucher.dateFrom}} to {{voucher.dateTo}}

Validate your pass as you board the bus.

per journey
Validate your pass as you board the bus.
No pass

There are no passes available with the entered information.

InformationYou already have a pass for this journey and period.

Passenger: {{params["userSurname"] + ", " + params["userName"] + " - " + params["userDocument"]}}

You can purchase another pass for this journey for a child or another adult. Purchase another pass

Choose a secure password: at least 8 characters including at least one upper case letter, one lower case letter and a number.

Travel with up to 50% discount. to hundreds of destinations

In January, buy your pass for 3 or 4 trips. Keep moving!

Your pass will be valid until June 30. Travel with up to 50% discount. Keep moving!

With Alsa passes, travel a lot and always at the best price.

It's very easy: when you buy your ticket, as a first option we will offer you to buy a pass for 3, 4, 5 or 10 trips with up to a 50% discount.


  • The passes are nominative, personal and non-transferable.
  • Tickets can be used both outward and return, and each journey will count as 1 journey.

To buy your pass you have to register in Alsa Plus here and, if you already are, you will only have to log in to your private area.

Buy your pass now and don't stop traveling.